Jun 28, 2008

For Him

Carlos Gardel - The most gifted Tango singer and composer and an iconic figure of the golden Tango era.

¡pucha que sos divertido!
ya sos un caso perdido;
tu vieja
dice que sos un bandido
porque supo que te vieron

la otra noche
en el Parque Japonés.

Caés a la milonga en cuanto empieza
y sos para las minas el vareador;
sos capaz de bailarte la Marsellesa,
la Marcha a Garibaldi y El Trovador.
Con un café con leche y una ensaimada

rematás esa noche de bacanal
y al volver a tu casa, de madrugada,

decís: "Yo soy un rana fenomenal".

Music: Juan Antonio Collazo
Lyrics: Victor Soliño - Roberto Fontaina

Embrace the pasion and elegance of the Tango era with our unique line of jewelry for elegant men.

Set of tie pin, cuff links and key ring in black breaded leather and silver with details in gold, as used by the compadritos. Compadritos were the guys who hung out on the streets of Buenos Aires around the turn of the century and who played a big part in popularizing tango. You may have seen them portrayed in old Argentine movies. A compadrito was reputed to have been a kind of macho, but amiable scoundrel. He avoided work, and he lived for women and tango.

Elegant, unique and original, these pieces are handmade in silver and breaded black and brown leather.

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